Irving Materials, Inc., Greenwood, Indiana

Each year, IMAA awards individuals, companies, and mine sites that have gone above and beyond industry standards in safety, in environmental, in community relations, or all of the above. IMAA wants to recognize members accomplishments in the company of their peers, and there is no better time or place than the annual Winter Workshops. Awards are selected in a variety of different ways, including nominations from the industry, voting by industry leaders, scoring on submitted materials, or data collection from government agencies.
By definition the keystone is the topmost stone of an arch, popularly thought of as especially holding the others in place. This award recognizes an individual in the aggregates industry who has shown exceptional leadership and outstanding dedication to advance the goals, growth, and well being of the Indiana aggregates industry.
IMAA President and Executive Director (no entry form to submit)
The IMAA Safety Awards are given annually to producer member companies that work safely with no reportable injuries to plant personnel for the previous year.
IMAA Safety Committee (no nomination form to submit)
Volunteers from the membership conduct these projects and activities. It has become a tradition to recognize exceptional volunteers who have given outstanding service to the Association over a five-year period. This recognition is in the form of the IMAA President’s Award for Distinguished Service.
IMAA President and Executive Director (no entry form to submit)
This prestigious award recognizes an exceptional contribution to the Indiana aggregate industry by a non-member of the Association.
IMAA President and Executive Director (no entry form to submit)
The Outstanding Certified Aggregate Award winners work cooperatively with INDOT, participate in an INDOT audit, and demonstrate a commitment to quality by going above and beyond the minimum requirements of the CAPP program.
INDOT (no entry forms to submit)
This prestigious award is for a facility that is above and beyond the basic ESC compliance guidelines. Environmental Requirements, Public Safety, Community Relations, Operational Practices, Reclamation/Rehabilitation, and Environmental Enhancement are topics of review and discussion.
Environmental Stewardship Council (no entry form to submit)
The nominee must be actively involved in the aggregate industry in Indiana at the time of nomination. The nominee must be employed by a regular voting member of IMAA. The nominee must have been employed in the industry in Indiana for at least five (5) years. The nomination must be made by a member of IMAA.
The winner will be determined by the Selection Committee as lined out in the nomination form. Nomination forms shall be distributed to the IMAA membership in November each year and nominations will be due in December. District winners will be recognized and The Miner of the Year Award will be presented by the IMAA president to the state winner at the IMAA Annual Workshop Awards Luncheon.
The “Community Connection” Award recognizes service and involvement in the community and the contributions of many employees in donating their time and serving their community. This award is given to the IMAA Plant that most clearly demonstrates efforts above and beyond the regular requirements of the Excellence in Mining Awards.
IMAA PIE Committee
Answer each question with a yes or no by checking the appropriate box. Answer each question that requests an explanation on the lines following the question. Use a separate sheet of paper if you need more room. You may attach a separate sheet if you need more room to explain a question. If using a separate sheet of paper, please clearly identify the question that is being explained. Pay close attention to the Documentation / Photo Required column and be sure that you send the required information with your entry. ENTRY FORMS WILL BE UPDATED ANNUALLY.
At least 60 years of age Not currently serving as an IMAA Board Member Member of IMAA for a minimum of 10 years Active on state or national boards or committees related to the aggregate industry Approved by secret ballot by 2/3 majority of the Board of Directors prior to Annual Meeting. Wavier of the above conditions by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.
Must be nominated by a member of the IMAA Board of Directors. Affirmed by Board vote as above.
The Transportation Company of the Year Award is presented annually by the Indiana Mineral Aggregates Association to recognize outstanding service to the aggregates industry by a transportation company. As a respected and responsible leader in the transportation industry, this company’s achievements in serving the aggregates industry in Indiana deserve special recognition. Companies nominated for this award exemplify the very best in their profession.
The transportation company that is nominated must be actively involved in the aggregate transportation business in Indiana at the time of nomination. The company must be nominated by a regular voting member of IMAA. The company must have been in the aggregates transportation business in Indiana for at least five (5) years.
The Trucker of the Year Award is presented annually by the Indiana Mineral Aggregates Association to recognize outstanding service to the aggregates industry by a driver for an aggregate trucking company. As a respected and responsible leader in the trucking industry, this individual’s achievements in customer service, driving safety, vehicle maintenance, and community involvement deserve special recognition. Truckers nominated for this award exemplify the very best in their profession.
The Associate Company of the Year award was established by the PIE Committee to recognize IMAA Associate Member companies that go the extra mile to promote the aggregates industry and educate the public about the value of mining aggregates. The award is not totally based on sponsorships, funding efforts, or money spent locally — it is about the involvement & service by the company and its employees. The PIE Committee will judge the nominees based on their involvement in Indiana during the current calendar year.
The IMAA Valor Award was established by the Safety Committee and the PIE Committee to recognize individuals who have displayed personal heroism either at work or in their personal lives. The Award has two categories:
Please see the NOMINATION FORM for detailed award criteria.
There have been no recipients of this award since its creation in 2017.