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Indiana Rocks Build Hoosier Tomorrows Campaign Materials Available on New Website

IMAA Staff | 07/18/22

The Indiana Mineral Aggregates Association has developed a statewide Indiana Rocks Build Hoosier Tomorrows campaign to increase recognition of the importance and significance of the aggregates industry and how it impacts each and every person in the state of Indiana.

This is the big-picture story of how the aggregates industry in the state of Indiana is building the infrastructure that our economy rides on and connects communities. We are shaping the message that we work in an essential, innovative and sustainable industry that has a legacy of community involvement, environmental consciousness, and safe, meaningful careers.

The campaign will ultimately reach not only legislators within the state but also the general public and future workforce candidates. Over the past year and a half, the association has been sharing the story of the aggregates industry through handing out printed brochures, playing the Crossroads short film for various audiences and sharing on social media.  Just after Agg1 in late March, we launched the campaign landing page (, in partnership with Q4 Impact Group where members can find print, video and social media materials to use in your own recruitment and public outreach efforts as well as inspiration and guidelines on how to use the materials.

Please support the IMAA in using these campaign tools within your company’s marketing efforts. Our stories are better together. With your help, we can share the great stories our industry has to tell to raise awareness and spread the word about this amazing industry.

Tags : image campaign , industry image